What’s TacoJS?

TacoJS is a monthly meetup centered around programming, tacos, and live performances.

How do I submit a performance?

You can either comment on this issue or send us an email. Come chat with us on Slack if you want immediate feedback.

When and where will it be?

  • When: 6:30-9:30pm on a Thursday every month
  • Where: Industrious @ Broad/Locust

What kind of performance are you looking for?

It can be karaoke, plate-spinning, or fire-eating. Basically anything you want. If you’re into it, we’re into it.

How long should my performance be?

It should be <6 min long, so no Hotel California please! However, you can also do multiple performances between talks.

Do I need to be a good singer?

Nope. You just need to be enthusiastic and give us LIFE!

What should be in my submission?

A description of what you’ll be performing and what kind of equipment you’ll need.